Why Choose Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Osteoarthritis?
Specialist Physiotherapy Practitioner Emily Goodlad, at Jill Kerr Physiotherapy has been performing these Hyaluronic Acid Injections for over a year now and we thought it would be wise to review the clinical outcomes. Click here to watch a VIDEO TESTIMONIAL.
OA knee and thumb joints have been the key areas we treat and the clinical outcome tends to be better when X-ray highlights mild to moderate arthritic changes. We use Ostenil PLUS and Ostenil mini for these injections.
These were the 3 questions we asked clients to give us feedback on and these illustrated on the pie charts below:
The pain in my knee following the injection was: Significantly improved: Just the same: Got Worse
My overall walking and mobility following the injection was: Significantly improved: Just the same: Got Worse
The Benefits from the Injection have lasted: Less than 3 months: 3-6 months: over 6 months
We are delighted and excited by the positive clinical outcomes our clients have had. To know that these injections have improved the quality of life for these clients is very rewarding. If you are unsure whether these injections are for you please come in and have a consultation with one of the Physiotherapists.
Follow this link for more information for patients from the manufascturers: OSTENIL PATIENT INFORMATION
Call us on 0131 447 9990 to make an appointment or BOOK ONLINE